
法国航空| 重要通知 关于赴华旅客申请健康码的更新

发表于 2022-11-21 18:21:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




  • 所有自法国巴黎赴华的旅客须在赴华直飞航班起飞前48小时内进行一次核酸检测,并根据检测结果向所在领区申请绿色健康码。不符合上述要求的乘客将被拒绝登机。

  • 中转旅客无须在中转机场进行额外核酸检测。经法国巴黎中转赴华旅客可在始发国家或巴黎戴高乐机场中转区任选一地进行检测。我们强烈建议中转旅客于始发地进行核酸检测。

    假如您无法在始发地做核酸检测 ,并且您的航班在上午10点40分之前到达戴高乐机场,您需要在巴黎机场中转区检测中心网上提前预约并付费。在始发站值机时,您需要出示巴黎中转的核酸检测预约单。敬请预留足够时间于巴黎中转时进行核酸检测并申请健康码。


✅ 关于赴华规定细则,请前往中国驻法国大使馆官方微信查询

✅ 敬请所有持法航机票的乘客与您的出票机构或法航服务中心(4008-808-808)联系,以检查您是否预留出足够时间,以获得在始发地和过境国所要求的飞往中国大陆的行程所必须的文件。

✅ 在开始您的旅程之前,我们强烈建议您通过Air France TravelDoc或政府官方网站查询最新的旅行政策并相应地调整行程,避免在始发或中转机场被拒绝登机。


✅ 中国海关:请注意,所有前往中国的旅客都必须在线上填写 “海关出入境健康申报表”,并在抵达中国时出示。您在巴黎戴高乐国际机场乘机前,也须出示该表格。

✅ 巴黎机场中转区检测中心网址:


Important Notice about test requirements for China-bound passengers departing from/via France

According to the notice issued by the Chinese Embassy in France, from now on, the test requirements for all China-bound passengers departing from/via France have been adjusted as follows:

  • For passengers taking direct flights in Paris, you need to take one PCR test within 48 hours before the departure time of the flight to China and apply for a QR code (“HS” for PRC nationals and “HDC” for non-PRC nationals) from the Chinese embassy or consulate at the place of testing.  Passengers who do not meet these requirements will not be able to board.  

  • For passengers transiting in Paris, the additional PCR testing has been removed. Transit passengers can choose to take PCR test either at the place of origin or during the transit in Paris CDG. We strongly suggest our transit passengers to conduct the PCR test at the place of origin. 

    For those transit passengers who could not conduct the test at the place of origin or whose connecting flight arrives at Paris CDG before 10:40 am, you need to reserve and pay for your test at Paris CDG airport in advance. A proof of test reservation will be required before boarding at your place of origin. Please make sure to reserve enough time for PCR test and QR code application during transit in Paris.


✅ For the latest information and application of health code, please visit the webpage of the Embassy of PRC in France from below link:


(French version only). 

✅ For all passengers who are holding an AF ticket, we kindly remind you to get in contact with your ticketing agency or Air France Service Center (4008-808-808) to check if the itinerary bound for Chinese Mainland provides enough time to obtain necessary documents in the Originating Departure and Transfer country.

✅ Prior to your journey, we strongly recommend you to check the latest travel requirements via Air France TravelDoc (below link) or government official webpages and adjust the itinerary accordingly to comply with the requirements, in order to avoid any denied boarding at the originating or transfer airport.


✅ China Customs: Please note that ALL passengers travelling to PRC must complete a digital "Exit/Entry Health Declaration Form and present it upon arrival in China. The form must be shown before flight departure at Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport. 

✅ Paris CDG airport test centre website:








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