南洋茶室|跨海带你到菲律宾南方皇后城市宿雾潜水 Let KK Take You On A Dive Tour in Cebu
/// 千岛湖未必真的有一千座岛屿,但在菲律宾却有一座超过100个岛屿的古城!怎么?你不相信? 那就是被称为菲律宾的“南方皇后市”的宿雾。今天就让我们开启一段新的云游之旅,去看看这个由167个岛屿构成的美丽的菲律宾古城——宿雾。 Thousand-Island Lake may not have exactly a thousand islands, but in the Philippines, there is an ancient city of more than 100 islands! What? You don't believe it? Cebu, also known as the "Southern Queen City" of Philippine. Today, let's take a look at the beautiful Philippine ancient city of 167 islands —— Cebu. Getting To Know Cebu Under The Deep Sea
最最享受的时光,莫过于潜入深海的时候,在无边际的深海中,听着自己的呼吸声,看着不同的小鱼儿在色彩斑斓的珊瑚中穿梭,才能体会到什么叫做——蓝色的诱惑。 The most relaxing moment must be to dive into the deep sea, watching fish swim among coral reefs, surrounded only by your own breath, that’s when you realize the temptation of the deep sea.
宿雾的美不只在于表面,而在于它的内涵,在迷人的大海深处,藏着很多古迹和故事,也是它最吸引人前去旅行的原因。 还在等什么,跟上我们的镜头来体会一下宿雾那迷人的美,他的碧海蓝天、洁白细软的沙滩、清澈湛蓝的海水,群岛环绕下宿雾的海平静得像个内陆湖。热带灿烂的阳光,穿透浅浅的海水,照亮海底细细的白沙。海星在藻丛间静静睡觉,彩色的鱼在缓缓游动。潜入水中同鱼儿嬉戏,感受到自然的魅力,这才是打开宿雾的正确方式。 Cebu is a place of great history, it has so much more to offer that just beauty, which is why it draws so many tourists. Now follow us and let’s explore the beauty of its white sandy beaches, blue sky, peaceful sea surface that almost like an inland lake. The warm tropical sunshine lights up the white-sand through the shallow seawater. Starfish sleeps soundly among the algae, colorful fish wanders around, that’s the glamor of Cebu.
Follow Magellan’s Trail 著名航海家麦哲伦想必大家一定知晓,据说宿雾就是他的丧生之地。1521年,葡萄牙航海家麦哲伦由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中惊喜地发现了这个美丽静谧的岛屿,并在此留下了大量西班牙的痕迹。如今,宿雾依旧保留有许多与麦哲伦有关的古老遗迹,包括亚洲第一座十字架——著名的麦哲伦十字架、充满传奇色彩的圣婴大教堂等。 Cebu is the place where the famous navigator Magellan had been killed. In 1521, Portuguese navigator Magellan sailed from Spain to Central and South America, where he unexpectedly found this beautiful quiet island, and left a lot of Spanish features. Cebu still retains many ancient relics related to Magellan, including Asia's first cross —— the famous Magellan’s Cross, the Sto Nino Church etc.
Magellan’s Cross 麦哲伦的十字架位于宿雾岛东方的马克丹岛上。麦哲伦在宿雾传扬天主教义,适逢4月14日,Pedro Valderama神父在当地为第一批菲律宾天主教徒——土著族长Rajah Humabon,其妻子Queen Juana及其他400名土著举行施洗仪式。为纪念这场盛大的宗教仪式,麦哲伦在宿雾竖立了十字架。在1525年至1740年间,来自Agustinas教会的僧侣为十字架兴建了一个露天开放式的圣坛,当地人相信十字架具有神圣力量,认为只要将十字架削成屑服用,就能够医治百病,便把它的外皮剥落拿走。为了保护此历史古物,后来人在圣婴教堂通往圣佩特罗堡途中建造了一座亭式的屋子用于存放它,更特别用Tinadalo木打造了一个空心外框把它包藏在内。同时,六角形的天花板壁画,保留着当年的原貌,色彩非常艳丽逼真。如果你是一位天主教徒那么这将是你来菲律宾必不可错过的地方。 Magellan's cross lies on the island of Mactan, east of Cebu Island. Magellan preached Catholicism in Cebu, and had planted a cross to signify an important conversion event in Cebu. The original cross is reputedly encased in another wooden cross for protection, as people started chipping it away in the belief that it had miraculous healing powers. This prompted the government officials to encase it in tindalo wood and further secure it inside a small chapel. The crypt's ceiling are painted vividly in bright colors. If you are a Catholic, this is a must-go for you when you visit the Philippines.
Sto Nino Church 麦哲伦可不单单只是一位航海家,也是一位传教士,他在宿雾留下的也不单单只是一座十字架。圣婴大教堂(Sto Nino Church)建于1565年, 闻名于世的“圣婴像”典藏于此。据说这座高约40公分的耶稣圣婴像,是麦哲伦在1521年送给女皇胡按象征友谊的礼物,深受当地市民的欢迎。这座圣婴像极富创奇色彩,曾教堂三次经被烧毁,唯有圣婴像完好,是宿雾的头号珍宝。来宿雾不去圣婴大教堂如同来北京却没去长城一般。 Magellan was not just a navigator, but also a missionary. He left more than a cross in Cebu. Sto Nino Church was built in 1565, where the world-famous "baby statue" was hidden. It is said that the the Holy Baby Jesus statue of 40 cm’s tall was dedicated to the Queen Juana as the symbol of friendship by Magellan in 1521, which became popular among local people.The church had been burned down three times, but the legendary holy baby remained intact, becoming the number one treasure of Cebu. Visiting Cebu without visiting Sto Nino Church is like going to Beijing missing the Great Wall.
如果你曾经梦想过要去一个幽静自然的神圣天堂,那么你一定会爱上宿雾! 讲了这么多宿雾的美景和底蕴,当然还有不可错过的美食啦!下边小编为大家介绍一下菲律宾的美食吧。 If you once dreamed about visiting a natural sacred heaven, you will love Cebu! After talking about so many histories and natural beauties, it’s time for us to search for food! Now let’s take a look at the Philippines cuisine.
Beef Adobo - The National Dish Of The Philippines
常来南洋茶室的朋友们一定会了解这道菲律宾的国菜。阿斗波是西班牙语腌制的意思,主要采用醋来烹饪,也称为“醋炖”。巴西进口的牛肉,以砂拉越黑胡椒粒、苹果醋、椰浆和5种香料慢炖8小时,软烂到入口即化。在菲律宾,每家户都有属于自己味道的阿斗波。在南洋茶室我们会搭配传统酸香蒜饭,来还原这道地地道道的菲律宾美食。 Our regular guests are familiar with the national dish of the Philippines-- Beef Adobo. Adobo is a Spanish word for marinade, mainly apply vinegar in cooking, also known as vinegar-braised. Here, we use Brazilian cut of beef, slow-braised with Sarawak black peppercorn, apple cider, coconut milk and 5 kinds of herbs for 8 hours until it melts in your mouth. Every household in the Philippines has own version of adobo. To make it more authentic, we pair the dish with garlic-vineyard fragrant rice.
Weekly Special Recommended By Mr. Ambassador 菲式番石榴酸鱼头汤是菲律宾的传统菜肴,粉红芭乐又称粉红番石榴与鲑鱼头的组合配上罗望子汁、西红柿、干葱、白萝卜、青椒以及空心菜等辅料,将鲜、酸、甜、辣的口感在舌尖上完美的绽放,一口下去繁复的口感如海浪一般层层而来。富含丰富的维生素、矿物质、纤维素和不饱和脂肪酸等营养物质。菲式酸汤(Sinigang)可以用不同的带酸的水果做这道菜,而南洋茶室选用了比较地道的粉红番石榴配上三文鱼头来做这道传统佳肴。菲律宾人喜欢在下雨天时吃这道菜,而在已经冰冷的北京天气,热腾腾的酸鱼汤配上白米饭太完美了! 菲律宾驻华大使罗马纳先生也是强力推荐这道菜的呢! Sinigang is a traditional Filipino dish that is sour, mildly sweet, with a hint of spiciness and packed with umami goodness. At Kakikopi, we decided to use pink guava known as bayabas together with salmon fish head, which is unique and traditional. It is said that Filipinos love Sinigang sa Bayabas during raining days, and so as the weather gets colder in Beijing, this is the perfect dish served to our Kakikopi fans. Adding vegetables like kangkong, tomatoes, shallots, guava and okra, served piping hot with white rice, makes it a wholesome healthy meal. The Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines Beijing H.E. Mr. Jose Chito Romana highly recommends this dish as our bi-weekly special.
中奖名单公布 “云游缅甸 留言领奖品”的活动,已经于10月16截至。感谢广大南洋茶室的粉丝的积极参与,我们精选10位留言获赞最多的粉丝获得由缅甸大使馆提供的精美礼品。以下为获奖名单: The Myanmar Interactive activity ended on 16 October 2020, and we thank you for your enthusiastic participation. The following are our selected winners with the most "likes", and will receive gifts specially flown in from Myanmar, with compliments from the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
我们将私信各位获奖者领取奖励,再次感谢各位对南洋茶室的信任。 PS:如管理员未能与您即时联系,请私信微信后台我们将第一时间进行反馈。 We will PM you about the details of gifts, thank you for your understanding and trust.
PS: If you haven’t heard from us, please message us from the backend of our wechat platform.
品鉴菲律宾美食通过美食更了解 菲律宾文化!
Ready for Double Eleven Gift? Together with the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Beijing, we invite you to Kakikopi to taste Filipino delicacies, and learn more about Filipino culture.
Special gift baskets will be given away by Philippine Department of Tourism and the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines.
11月11日18:00 The interactive activity ends on 11 November 2020 at 18:00
留言内容 欢迎谈谈你对菲律宾的美食的认识 阿斗波还是菲式番石榴酸鱼头汤哪个才是你的最爱 你还知道哪些菲律宾美食? 本次将根据留言抽取十名幸运粉丝 领取菲律宾旅游部以及菲律宾驻华大使馆赠送的 神秘礼物一份
Contents of Your Message Let us know how much you know about Filipino food. Between Sinigang and Adobo, which is your favorite? Can you name us other Filipino food you know? Ten lucky fans with the most sophisticated messages will bring home a surprise gift basket with compliments from the Philippine Department of Tourism and the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines.
No.15, Xiaoyunlu Backstrip, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
周一至周日 Monday - Sunday 午餐 Lunch:11:00 - 15:00 下午茶 Kopi Time:15:00 - 17:30
晚餐 Dinner:17:30 - 22:00 (Last order 21:30)
+86-10-6410 9588
+86-155 0115 3627 info@muluworld.com www.muluworld.cn |