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即日起 I.I. 将为你推送名企最新招聘动态 轻松直达网申界面 ↓↓↓ 万事达卡(MasterCard)是万事达国际组织与全球各地银行联合发行的银行卡。万事达卡致力于提供全球消费者一个更便利与更有效率的金融支付环境。透过针对支付行业的支付加盟、处理中心及顾问服务,万事达卡为全球金融机构、政府、企业、商户和持卡人提供领导全球性的商务链接。
开放职位:Finance Intern 工作地点:上海
- We are the global technology company behind the world’s fastest payments processing network. We are a vehicle for commerce, a connection to financial systems for the previously excluded, a technology innovation lab, and the home of Priceless®. We ensure every employee has the opportunity to be a part of something bigger and to change lives. We believe as our company grows, so should you. We believe in connecting everyone to endless, priceless possibilities.
- The Mastercard Intern Program is a comprehensive program where students will gain hands on real work-life skills while having fun and contributing to a global company. As an intern, you will be challenged with completing projects that will enhance your skills as well as contribute to the department’s goals and objectives.
- Impactful assignments that drive business results
- Networking sessions and leadership speakers series
- Volunteer and team building experiences
- Evidence of strong academics
- Innovative thinking and thoughtful risk taking
- Ability to partner across the organization
- Sound communication skills
- Leads and drives ad-hoc projects relating to pricing, interchange and new business modeling impacts
- Collaborates with business units to enable better decision making and supports the delivery of strategy and performance
- Assists in performing analysis on new business opportunities, supports agreements for certain designated areas (e.g. financial & data technology)
- Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree or above (all majors welcome to apply)
扫码添加福利君 发送关键字 0111 金融外企 即可一键直达名企网申界面
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