

发表于 2022-10-19 11:08:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



波洛莱物流欧洲区空运副总裁Philippe de Crécy说:“我们现在面临着全球变暖和航空运输业去碳化等挑战,意味着我们的客户现在对其供应链的管理有非常具体的期望。他们希望根据自己的承诺,采用对生态负责的解决方案。在生态负责解决方案方面,波洛莱物流是最早进行转变的公司之一。今后我们将与合作伙伴美联航一起,继续开发新的方案,以实现范畴三二氧化碳减排目标。”

美联航有一个宏大的目标,即到2050年在不依靠传统的碳抵消的情况下,减少100%的温室气体排放。如果不与合作伙伴合作,把可持续发展放在货运业务的首位,就不可能实现这一目标。美联航货运总裁Jan Krems说:“我们很珍惜与波洛莱物流的合作机会,我们期待着共同打造更加可持续的航空货运业。”


Bolloré Logistics Partners with United Airlines to Purchase 3 million Litres of SAF

Bolloré Logistics and United Airlines entered into an innovative partnership relating to the purchase of three million litres of sustainable aviation fuel for 2022. This collaboration demonstrates Bolloré Logistics’ ongoing determination to pursue its commitments by developing sustainable offers to help decarbonise air freight transport.

This new agreement is geared towards the customary client base and covers all the routes operated by Bolloré Logistics, in all geographical areas. It will enable the company to reduce its scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 6,500 tonnes of CO2, a result also made possible through the use of used oil to replace fossil fuels.

“Today’s challenges such as global warming and the decarbonisation of the air transport sector mean that our customers now have very specific expectations regarding the management of their supply chain. They now want to adopt eco-responsible solutions in line with their commitments. We were among the first to make this shift. With our partner United Airlines, we will continue developing our offer to achieve our scope 3 CO2 reduction targets,” said Philippe de Crécy, VP Airfreight Europe at Bolloré Logistics.

At United, we have an ambitious goal to reduce 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, without relying on traditional carbon offsets. Achieving this goal isn’t possible without working with partners to put sustainability at the forefront of our cargo business. We’re grateful to work with Bolloré Logistics on this commitment, and we are looking forward to creating a more sustainable air freight industry together.” said Jan Krems, President, United Cargo.

The purchase of sustainable fuel provided by United Airlines is offered in conjunction with the AIRsaf offer launched by Bolloré Logistics in July 2021. Based on the use of sustainable aviation fuel, this offer also includes an end-to-end solution, with environmentally responsible pre- and post-carriage procedures, as well as management of reusable transport packaging. It is also in line with its “Powering Sustainable Logistics” CSR programme, in which Bolloré Logistics committed to cut its scope 3 CO2 emissions generated by the execution of transport by 30% by 2030 compared to 2019.




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