川岛织物(上海)有限公司 川岛织物(上海)有限公司在中国从事汽车、飞机、动车内饰商品的开发与制造,已经有了 20 年以上的历史,规模不断发展壮大,并在近年公共空间内饰领域取得了瞩目的成就。 Kawashima Textile Manufacturers (Shanghai)LTD. has more than 20 years history for developing and manufacturing interior products of automotive, aircraft and train. The scale has been continuously developed and expanded, and remarkable achievements have been made in the field of public space interiors in recent years. 我们不仅拥有资深的技术团队,而且可以完成从开发到生产的一体制服务,致力于为您提供满意的、高品质的商品。 We have the consistented production system, from the development to the production totally to provide you with high-quality products based on the technology
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