2020年9月17日,洲际酒店集团大中华区五位大咖莅临杭州洲际酒店! On 17 September 2020, Big Boss of IHG Creat China visitedInterContinental Hangzhou!Managing Director,Hotel Lifecycle&Growth of IHG Great ChinaVP Human Resources of IHG Great China他们在浙江区域总经理Frankson Lee的陪同下参观了大金球,途中亲切问候当班员工,感谢他们在特殊时期坚守岗位,辛勤工作。与浙江区部分 IHG旗下酒店总经理进行交谈,认可他们带领各自酒店团队在疫情期间的努力付出并鼓励大家迎接挑战,协作共赢!They visited the golden globe guided by Mr. Frankson Lee. Greeted employees and show gratitude for their contribution during this challenge period. They had conversation with GMs of Zhejiang Cluster and recognized their efforts during epidemic period, encouraged the GMs rising to the challenge and Work Better Together!