

发表于 2021-7-27 22:22:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Category: Economy & Business



Qatar Airways Named World's Best Airline for 2021 


While travel may be difficult right now, AirlineRatings.com could help you choose which company to use when you fly again. The Australian website ranked Qatar Airways as the number one airline in the world for 2021.

虽然现在旅行可能很困难,但是 airlineratings.com 航空公司可以帮助你在下次飞行时选择使用哪家公司。澳大利亚网站将卡塔尔航空列为2021年世界第一大航空公司。

AirlineRatings.com ranks airlines on a number of different criteria, including the age of the airline's planes, passenger reviews, and what types of products the airline offers on its flights. This year, the website also included the way that airlines responded to COVID-19 as part of its decision.

Airlineratings.com 航空公司根据不同的标准对航空公司进行排名,包括飞机的航龄、乘客的评价,以及航空公司在其航班上提供什么类型的产品。今年,该网站还将航空公司对疫情的处理手段作为其评判的一部分。

Speaking to CNN Travel, Geoffrey Thomas of AirlineRatings.com said that the way Qatar Airways responded to the challenges of the pandemic put it at the top of the list, as did the way it worked hard to keep its routes open.

Airlineratings.com 航空公司的 Geoffrey Thomas 在接受 CNN 旅游频道采访时说,卡塔尔航空公司应对疫情这个挑战的手段,以及它努力保持航线畅通所做出的努力,使其位居榜首。

Although it usually announces its rankings in November, this year AirlineRatings.com waited an extra eight months so it could see how airlines responded to the pandemic before making its final decision.

尽管它通常在11月份公布排名,但今年 airlineratings.com 航空公司在做出最终决定之前多等了8个月,以便了解航空公司如何应对疫情。

Usually a large part of the ranking is based on how much money an airline makes. However, Thomas said that almost all airlines are losing money because of the pandemic, so this year the judges had to base their decision on other criteria.


Air New Zealand, the 2020 winner, was ranked number two, while 2019 winner Singapore Airlines was number three.


AirlineRatings.com also gave out other awards, including best low-cost airline. EasyJet won the award for Europe, while Jetstar won in Asia and Southwest won in the Americas.

Airlineratings.com 还颁发了其他奖项,包括最佳廉价航空公司。易捷航空赢得了欧洲大奖,捷星航空赢得了亚洲大奖,西南航空赢得了美洲大奖。



rank    /ræŋk/ 
Verb.  to be or put someone or something on a list that shows how good, important, etc. they are
Harvard is ranked among the ten best universities in the world.
criterion    /kraɪˈtiːriːən/ 
Noun.   a standard by which something is judged or decided

The surfers' rides were judged on a wide range of criteria.

respond    /rɪˈspɑːnd/ 
Verb.    to do something as a reaction to someone or something

How did he respond when he heard that he didn't get the job?



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