

发表于 2021-4-20 10:35:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


China's southern island province of Hainan has raked in approximately 98 billion yuan (about 15 billion U.S. dollars) in offshore duty-free sales over the past decade, according to local authorities.中国海南省的离岸免税销售额增长了约980亿元人民币(约合150亿美元)在过去的十年中,据地方当局。

Duty-free shops in Hainan received more than 25 million customers and sold over 120 million duty-free goods since the province was greenlighted to run a pilot offshore duty-free program by the State Council on April 20, 2011, according to data from the Hainan provincial department of commerce.海南免税商店接待了超过2500万客户,销售了1.2亿多种免税商品,自2011年4月20日国务院批准该省开办离岸免税试点计划以来,来自海南省商务厅数据显示 。

The department said that Hainan's offshore duty-free policy has continued to improve over the years, with eased restrictions and more convenience for customers.该部门表示,多年来,海南的离岸免税政策不断完善,放宽了限制,为客户提供了更多便利。

On July 1, 2020, the province increased the annual per capita tax-free shopping limit from 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.2020年7月1日,该省将人均年度免税购物限额从3万元提高到10万元。

The categories of duty-free goods have also been expanded from 38 to 45, with electronic products such as mobile phones and laptops added to the duty-free list.免税商品的种类也从38种增加到45种,手机和笔记本电脑等电子产品也加入了免税清单。












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